
Post-merger integration

Merger integration strategies for long-term value creation


Key takeaways




Failing to plan is planning to fail

整合两家公司仍然是并购交易中最困难的方面之一. 超过70%的合并后整合未能实现计划中的协同效应和价值. 为什么? 因为买家往往低估了他们真正合并两家公司所需要的努力,也没有花足够的时间来规划整合. As a result, the companies never fully merge.

To successfully complete the post-merger integration process, 买家需要在尽职调查阶段启动规划流程——在交易完成之前.

在交易前的协同规划和实际的第一天执行之间通常存在重叠, 使管理层和员工在支持价值创造战略的第一天之前就准备好执行势在必行.

买家必须考虑在收购前后他们需要做些什么来做好准备. When building the timeline, management must consider plans and milestones for day one, business continuity, 快赢了, the 100-day plan and long-term initiatives.

业务连续性和降低风险是整合过程初始阶段极其重要的部分,应优先加以解决. 业主必须在第一天就调查可能影响与客户交易的任何财务变化. It’s also important that owners make sure regulatory approvals are in place, essential IT systems and infrastructure will function as intended, and critical financial reporting requirements can be met. 

Essential preparations for day one

在第一天,管理层应该有一个集成的治理结构和工作流程. This structure should encompass a steering committee to oversee direction, 和集成管理办公室,以推动交付和工作流程的领导,并赞助所有主要部门的执行.

The company must also be prepared to seamlessly deliver to its customers on day one. 合并后公司的计划必须清楚地传达给所有员工, both in the platform and the add-on. For employees to fully execute on the plan, they must understand it. 客户和vwin娱乐场官方也不应该被排除在沟通循环之外. 在内部和外部传递明确的信息,允许管理层降低操作和流程风险. However, this takes deliberate planning. 许多合并后的公司失去了价值创造,因为他们低估了与各方有效沟通所需的时间.

The critical first 100 days

There’s no question that planning for day one is time consuming. Still, management cannot stop there. 在第一天之前,还必须为前100天制定一个全面的计划. 前100天至关重要,因为它们将决定这笔交易是否真的能像买家预期的那样带来价值. Goals for the first 100 days should be short-term, attainable goals. For the 100-day plan, 管理层应该进行最初的功能集成研讨会,并制定一份计划清单,这些计划将在大约一到三个月内完成.

前100天也很关键,因为这是管理层最有可能实现变革的时候. Employees are expecting change during this period of time. 在最初100天内所做的更改比之后所做的更改更有可能持续下去, when it is common to see a return to a “business as usual” attitude.

During the first 100 days, management should confirm the merged company’s long-term integration plans, including the process and technology efforts that need to be completed. In these early phases of the integration, 许多不同的因素都应该仔细管理,比如外部和内部沟通, change management, legal and regulatory issues, and costs and financial analysis.


During the first 100 days, 目标是执行满足关键业务需求的项目,并从合并后的公司获得快速的协同效应.

During this time, 部门可以发展他们未来的运营模式,并开始向组合状态过渡.

Long-lasting value creation

长期优化计划被放置到位,以获得管理层期望实现的全部协同作用和价值. 从头到尾与强大的集成管理办公室合作,将有助于帮助买家满足他们长期优化的反对意见.

The integration management office provides the process, 组织必要的活动以获取交易价值并实现优化的未来状态所需的工具和vwin娱乐场官方. 买方和合并实体的高层领导应该从一开始就建立一个整合的愿景. 如果没有良好协调的努力来推动这一愿景进入由各个部门执行的项目, it can never be realized. Some projects may be expected to take two or three years. 这些项目需要额外的关注,以确保它们与增加EBITA的价值主张保持一致, 降低风险或保持合规——这应该转化为企业价值的增加和成功的流动性事件.


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