Secure architecture solutions


Consulting services that help you design, 部署并成熟一个跨平台的安全架构,以减少组织的操作风险

今天的组织面临着比以往任何时候都更加依赖IT系统的环境. Digitalization efficiencies and cost-reduction strategies made possible by enterprise IT systems mean there’s less reliance on people and more reliance on process automation. For many organizations, 管理其IT系统的自动化足迹和相关数据已被证明是困难的. 在考虑外包服务时,鉴于当今复杂的安全环境, it’s critical for executives to implement the right strategy for their enterprise architecture and lay out a secure architecture that will adapt and grow with the organization. Security executives are ultimately best served partnering with a team that demonstrates the right balance of technical proficiency and business-oriented insight.

RSM understands the complex security challenges you face. Our specialists and engineers have the in-depth experience required to deliver secure architecture solutions that balance the complex paradigm of operational efficiency and organizational protection. 我们会就你们的技术安全风险的影响,包括对你们业务的影响,向你们提出建议. 我们将与您合作开发一个整体的安全体系结构策略, including detailed system designs, 网络蓝图, 战略指导, tactical support and personnel training. We’ll help safeguard your critical data, protect your key processes, 支持运营并与您的企业IT和业务战略保持一致. Our team will also work side by side with you to:

  • 寻找并保留具有适当技术、管理和业务技能的vwin娱乐场官方
  • Balance operational needs with managing a secure workplace
  • Securely streamline and operationalize your technology landscape
  • Identify the right combination of on-premises and public/private cloud technologies that securely support operational goals
  • 开发一个安全的体系结构,随着组织的成熟而增长和适应
  • Determine which vendors and tools will best fit for your environment
  • 定义需要或不需要额外安全投资的领域
  • 确定环境中最敏感的区域是否得到了真正的保护
  • 主动识别并将新出现的风险纳入标准和设计原则
  • 将新兴的保护技术嵌入到基于资产类型的分类指南中
  • 收集适当的度量来度量您的投资的有效性
  • 增强功能,包括分析和检测异常行为

RSM has deep experience developing and deploying secure architecture solutions for middle market and Fortune 500 clients across a wide range of industries. 最终, a well-rounded secure architecture program guides your business and technology teams on how to appropriately secure the enterprise. The program translates risks as well as security and regulatory requirements into tactical action while taking innovative techniques into consideration to continuously refine and adapt.

Organizations benefit from our specialized experience in:

设计和开发安全的应用程序需要在整个开发生命周期中关注安全性. Building security and automation into your development systems—whether in-house or third party—that defines security as a priority at the start and throughout your continuous integration (CI) or continuous deployment (CD) processes is a necessity. Shift-left security processes introduce security checks early during the development phase to ensure a more secure codebase from the start instead of checking for vulnerability issues at the end, which often results in costly rework and delays.

RSM application architects understand secure development procedures and how to help your organization establish programs that support your specific needs. We’ll help you in areas such as:

  • Establishing guidelines for securing the full application stack, including secure communication between layers
  • Securely navigating the API community
  • Addressing security across the application stack, including back-end web services, 中间件, 和数据库
  • 在您的开发周期中实施SecDevOps程序和系统
  • 持续评估源代码和部署的应用程序的漏洞和利用

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